UK and USA 3

7 Aug

The UK and the USA have many commodities and differences in many points. First of all, they both speak English. American speak American English, British speak British English. There are some differences on pronunciation, spellings and words. Second, they profess Christianity mainly. For more detail, they believe different Christianity. The British major religion is the Anglican Church, which has been leaded by the King and Queen of UK. On the contrary, the USA’s main religion is the Protestant. Next, their political system is not similar. The UK has queen as first magistrate, but the USA doesn’t have the loyal family. The differences derive from the origin of country. In the 18th century, America was a colony of British Empire. They protest mother country because UK force America to pay a huge tax. They fight war for independence, lastly they win. The two countries were one country, but they are divided. Therefore, they have a lot of common points, and differences.

UK and USA 2

12 Jul

The UK and the USA have many commodity and differences in many points. First of all, they both speak English. However, American speak American English, British speak British English. There are some differences on pronunciation, spellings and words. Second, they profess Christianity mainly. The UK believes Anglican Church, whose chief is the King and Queen of UK, and the USA’s main religion is protestant. Last, their political system is not similar. The UK have queen and two house of council, but the USA don’t have loyal family, and take federal system. The differences derive from the origin of country. In the 18th century, America was a colony of British Empire. They protest mother country because UK force America to pay a huge tax.They fight war for independence, and win. The two countries were one country, but thet devided. Therefore, they have a lot of common points, and differences.

The reason why I take this class 4

12 Jul

I am interested in political science now. Particularly, I want to study differences between Japan and UK. So, I want to improve my English ability so high. And I thought that when I graduate school, I may want to be a teacher, so I decide to get English teacher’s license when I was a freshman. To take teacher’s license, I have to take this class, and get the credit.Therefore, I took this class. Not only that, I want to be a good English speaker to study politics in foreign country. I think learning English is like a marathon. I have to study English everyday however it is short. And if I can keep making efforts, I will get a huge accomplishment in the end of this year. My English teacher says,” If you want to develop your writing skill, you have to read much text and expand words stock, and keep your mind to have good spelling skill. I feel unsure whether I slack off study English because I am very dull. Then, I decide put me in the environment what I have to study English. I have to do prep for English class every day. This is my reason why I take this class.

UK and USA

5 Jul

The UK and the USA have many commodity and differences in many points. First of all, they both speak English. However, American speak American English, British speak British English. There are some differences on pronunciation, spellings and words. Second, they profess Christianity mainly. The UK believes Anglican Church, whose chief is the King and Queen of UK, and the USA’s main religion is protestant. Last, their political system is not similar. The UK have queen and two house of council, but the USA don’t have loyal family, and take federal system. The differences derive from the origin of country. In 18th century, America was a colony of British Empire, they protest mother country, fight independence war, and win. Therefore, they have many similarity, and differences.

outline of my favorite place

28 Jun

TS My favorite place is a tea ceremony room.
1.1 Silences
1.2 Smell and light
1.3 Relax
2Beautiful item
2.1 Tyawan, Kakejiku, Flow
2.2 The beauty make me happy
3.1 Belonged tea ceremony club
3.2 The meeting place
3.3 Remind of high school
CS For these reason, I like a tea ceremony room

My Favorite Place 2

21 Jun

My favorite place is a tea ceremony room. I have some reasons for that. Most important point is comfortableness. When I am tired out, I went to a tea ceremony room, and sit quietly. I smell the Tatami, and feel soft light which passed the Shoji, I can feel relax and get energy from that. In addition to that, the items left in the room are very beautiful. In tea ceremony, we use the Tyawan, Kakejiku, flower, and so on. These are very beautiful, I enjoy the beauty. Last reason why I like a tea ceremony room is there was the place where my friends get together. I belonged to a tea ceremony club, we practice tea ceremony once a week. One of my friends meets me only that time, so a tea ceremony room is a memorable place for me and my friends. When I go to a tea ceremony room, I bring back the high school life. For these reason, I like a tea ceremony room.

My Favorite Place

13 Jun

     My favorite place is the tea ceremony room. I have some reasons for that. Most important point is comfortableness. When I am tired out, I went to tea ceremony room, and sit quietly. I smell the Tatami, and feel soft light throw the Shoji, I can feel relax and get energy from that. In addition to that, the item left in the room is very beautiful. In tea ceremony, we use the Tyawan, Kakejiku, flower, and so on. these are very beautiful, I enjoy watching them. Last, the room was space where my friens get together. I belonged to tea ceremony club; we practice tea ceremony once a week. One of my friends meet me only that time, so tea ceremony room is the memorial place for me and my friends. When I go to tea ceremony room, I remind the high school life. For these reason, I like tea ceremony room.

The Reason Why I Take This Class 3

24 May

I am interested in political science now. Particularly, I want to study differences between Japan and UK. So, I want to improve my English ability so high. And I thought that when I graduate school, I may want to be a teacher, so I decide to get English teacher’s license when I was a freshman. To take teacher’s license, I have to take this class, and get credit. So, I took this class. Not only that, I want to be a good English speaker for my major. I think learning English is like a marathon. I have to study English everyday how it is short time. And if I can keep making effort, I will get a huge accomplishment in the end of this year. My English teacher says,” If you want to develop your writing skill, you have to read much text and expand words stock, and keep your mind to have good spelling skill. I feel unsure whether I slack off study English because I am very dull girl. So I decide put me in the environment which I have to study English. Therefore, I have 7 English classes each week in this semester. I have to do prep for English class every day. This is my reason why I take this class

Teacher’s qualification

24 May

There are some requirements to be a teacher. The most important thing is having a human disposition. Teacher is the model for students at hand. You always have to behave gently, be kind to others, and be strict to yourself. Being a human improve your students formulate good characteristic. Knowledge is next to human. Needless to say, teacher teaches his major subjects, not only which, you sometimes asked something difficult from your students. Such time, you should get belief, and student think you have large knowledge. Knowledge will give you an author. These authorities help you to administrate your class smoothly. Students obey someone they feel reverence. The authority is effective tool to make the reverence. If you have these three conditions, you can be a good teacher.

The Reason Why I take This Class 2

17 May

I am interested in political science now. Particularly, I want to study differences between Japan and UK. So, I want to improve my English ability so high. And I thought that when I graduate school, I may want to be a teacher, so I decide to get English teacher’s license when I was a freshman. I think learning English is like a marathon. I have to study English everyday how it is short time. And if I can keep making effort, I will get a huge accomplishment in the end of this year. To take in UK’s political system, it is useful to study UK’s culture. And to follow along UK’s culture, I have to study English very hard. My English teacher says,” If you want to develop your writing skill, you have to read many text and expand words stock, and keep your mind to have good spelling skil. But it is difficult to retain effort without nearby aim. To keep my mind good condition, I have to set the deadline to complete my word list. So I decide to go in for TOEIC in the end of this semester. I will study hard, and get god score!


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